The streets of Cagayan de Oro doesn't have all the lights or the glamour that some streets that I've been to, but this is home. This is where I started, this is where it all started. In the streets. And now that I am reacquainting myself with it, I have found the perfect partner in my Fuji X100. Its small, fast, and dead silent. I'm not noticed by my subjects unless I want them to. With a 35mm equivalent range, its perfect to get the story in the frame.
Technically, some shots were shot using velvia film simulation and were later converted in photoshop into black and white. while the other shots were shot in bnw (red filter). Its amazing how ISO 1000 can still be so usable. Shooting at f2 to f2.8, the camera can really hold its own against low light scenarios. The ND filter is a joy to use! Using f2.8 to shoot a cloud filled sky at around 5pm was amazing. it was life changing.
The camera is a joy to me, it makes me fall in love with photography even more everyday. I'll save money for an x100s or an x200 someday. But right now, I can't leave my house without my x100. its like leaving your house without any doesn't feel right!
A light on a cold night.
A candle for the prayers, dreams and wishes.
His playground in the streets, where all his memories will unfold. From worn out tires to thrown away seats, this is his world.
Vogue Italia approved photo.
I love the sky when I took this shot, I was using the ND filter of the X100.
Unfortunately, I forgot to configure some settings for my sharpness.
This street vendor was selling me this dog for 2,500 php. whoa x_x
Every now and then I walk this bridge, almost a kilometer hike but its
very nostalgic for me.
With the fines for each jay-walker at php 500.00, how much would the local
authorities earn from this bunch?
In this life, God is always there with us. In every moment.
Its rare to have buses roam around the city these days.
Basically, this camera turns me berserk and go shooting spree when I'm on the streets. It may never occur to me why this little camera has become a part of me, I just know that it is my life blood in whatever genre that I may face.
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